West Ox Road (S) Sidewalk from 2712 to 2718 across from Frying Pan Park
610 foot sidewalk.
Provides connectivity - High
Connects existing sidewalks and trails on south side from Fairfax County Parkway to Centreville Road.
Improves Safety - High
Pedestrians must walk in the narrow road with no place to go if vehicle approaches in lane. No shoulder exists.
Provides Access - High
Residents are unable to safely walk to park across the street or to school one block distant.
Provides Recreational Opportunities - Medium
Provides connection to park and improves safety for pedestrians that use this road.
Supported by Community - Medium
One resident at 2718 was thrilled at the prospect of a sidewalk and ability to walk to park. Felt neighbors would also support it.
Is It Feasible To Build - Low
This will be difficult to construct because of landscaping, grading and utillities both above and below ground.
The original plan called for a trail on the north side of West Ox Road next to Frying Pan Park. Such a trail would require extensive alterations to the front of the farm and destroy the character of the park.
Countywide Trails Plan
Property Map 25-1