Sidewalk on Sunset Hills Road between Reston Parkway and Old Reston Avenue

430 foot sidewalk on northern side between Carlton House and Old Reston Avenue.

Provides connectivity - High

Provides connection between Carlton House Condominium and Town Center to commercial area on north side of Sunset Hills Road and to bus stop at Old Reston Avenue. Also connects to sidewalk along Old Reston Avenue.

Improves Safety - High

Pedestrians must walk in mud or on the busy through street.

Provides Access - High

Provides access to auto repair shops on north side of Sunset Hills Road.

Provides Recreational Opportunities - Low

Supported by Community - High

Condominium residents and Town Center workers have requested sidewalk to access auto shops and bus stop.

Is It Feasible to Build - Low

Requires easement. Also may require utility relocation.

Countywide Trails Plan


Property Map 17-4