Asphalt Trail on Reston Ave. between Shaker Dr. and Caris Glenne Dr.

1140 foot asphalt trail on western side of Reston Ave.

Provides connectivity - Medium

Allows residents to access Reston trail system via Wiehle Ave. walkway. Plans call for additional connections to Route 7 trail.

Improves Safety - Medium

Pedestrians have to step off the road when vehicles approach.

Provides Access - Medium

None of the connecting streets have sidewalks. Trail will provide access between Wiehle Ave. and Route 7.

Provides Recreational Opportunities - Low

No recreational facilities are in the area.

Supported by Community - Medium

Residents have requested this trail.

Is It Feasible to Build - High

There appear to be few obstacles to construction. It may be necessary to secure easements for construction.

Countywide Trails Plan


Property Map 11-2