Sidewalk on Old Courthouse Road between Creek Crossing Road and Country Club Drive.
1200 foot sidewalk on southern side of Old Courthouse Road.
Provides connectivity - High
The sidewalk would provide connectivity to residents of Drewlaine Drive and Hursley Court that have sidewalks that do not connect to other streets. They appear to be using a goat trail to connect to sidewalks along Creek Crossing Road and Old Courthouse Road at Country Club Drive.
Improves Safety - High
There will be no temptation to walk in the street during rainy days.
Provides Access - High
Provides access to a local swim club, church, and other extensive sidewalks in nearby neighborhoods.
Provides Recreational Opportunities - High
Connects to Foxstone Park.
Supported by Community - High
Part of the NOVI trail network requested by the community.
Is It Feasible to Build - High
Construction does not appear to be difficult here.
Countywide Trails Plan
Property Map 28-4