North Shore Drive between Links Drive and Golf Course sidewalk
1500 foot sidewalk.
Provides connectivity - High
Provides sidewalks between Links Drive and Golf Course sidewalk. Will provide connectivity along busy North Shore Drive between Wiehle Ave. and Temporary Road when all projects are complete.
Improves Safety - High
Pedestrians must walk in mud or on the busy through street.
Provides Access - High
All homes on this street have sidewalks with no connectivity between developments. This project provides access to Wiehle Avenue. A second project will provide sidewalks the remaining distance to Temporary Road . This project will also connect to a planned trail through the Fannie Mae property to Plaza America and the W&OD Bike Trail.
Provides Recreational Opportunities - Medium
Provides connections to Reston’s trail system.
Supported by Community - High
Clusters have requested sidewalk and will provide easement.
Is It Feasible To Build - High
Terrain seems fairly easy to build on.
Countywide Trails Plan
Property Map 17-4