Concrete Sidewalk on Sunrise Valley Dr. between Legacy Cir. and River Birch Rd.
380 foot concrete sidewalk on northeastern side of Sunrise Valley Drive.
Provides connectivity - High
Connects other sidewalks in area. Pedestrians have created a well-worn dirt trail here. All other streets in the area have walkways. This is a high-density area and sidewalk will be well used.
Improves Safety - Medium
Pedestrians can use the adjacent parking lot but not the busy street should they prefer not to use the dirt trail during inclement weather.
Provides Access - Medium
All of the connecting streets have sidewalks. There is a bus stop located in this block.
Provides Recreational Opportunities - Low
No recreational facilities are in the area.
Supported by Community - High
Residents have requested this sidewalk.
Is It Feasible to Build - High
There appear to be few obstacles to construction.
Countywide Trails Plan
No. Planned trail has been built across busy Sunrise Valley Drive.
Property Map 15-4